Thursday, June 28, 2012

I Hate Squash: A Squash Dressing Tutorial

I hate squash, but I ♥ Squash Dressing with my whole heart. My old timey way Southern Baptist church does a fundraiser in the form of a cookbook. Our church ladies are known all around in the community for how well they cook, in fact they started a group that does cooking for families who have had a death and need help with meals or preparing food for the funeral. They cook for all the revivals and we eat after church every Sunday at one of the ladies houses. The lady who's squash dressing recipe I use I consider to be an adopted grandma, she has done so much for me. I have never tried to make her squash dressing, but I saw that she had sent it in for the newest church cookbook and couldn't resist. My aunt gave me a bunch of squash from her garden and I knew it was the right time. It is very easy to make, and oh so delicious. So, here we go!
Gather up your supplies, ignore my lack of squash in this picture, I forgot the most important ingredient! Anyways, one can of cream of chicken soup (you could easily make this vegetarian by using cream of mushroom which I am sure would be equally as good), 3 eggs, 1 teaspoon of poultry seasoning, 1 stick or 1/2 cup of butter (melted), 1 small onion chopped, 2 cups of crumbled cornbread and 2 cups of squash that has been boiled, drained, and sliced (or sliced, boiled, and drained).

I am lazy sometimes. I mash my squash after boiling instead of slicing, it eliminates some of the cooking skills actually needed for this recipe.

Chop your onion. Duh.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, this picture looks like more than what you will have because I doubled the batch, we REALLY love Squash Dressing around here. Mix it really well, you want the squash and cornbread to be equally distributed.

Pour it into a well greased baking dish. I like to use this one that is sort of short and deep because I like mine really moist and gooey, however, you can use whatever you want. Remember that the thinner the mixture is the crispier it will be and the thicker the mixture is the wetter it will be. Bake for 40 minutes or until golden brown and delicious.

Here is what happened in this picture, I left to do laundry with the dressing in the oven, asking my roommate to take it out when the timer went off. I came back to a half eaten pan of squash dressing. It is that good folks. Comfort food at its finest. If I was a good southern girl I would serve this up with fried pork chops and green beans, but I am a busy southern girl so I served it with Diet Coke and paper plates. Try it out and let me know! 

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